Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blooming things...

Well I am back, after a couple month hiatus.
Thought I'd share a few blooms from my lovely orchids. First is Brassavola Little Stars. Very fragrant at night.
<----That is Phal pallens. A great, vigorous species Phalaenopsis. It is blooming for a the first time for me, and has 3 additional spikes, each with at least 1 bud, so more flowers to come.

Here is Bulbophyllum auratum 'Other World'. I recently got a division of this great little plant, and it surprised me with some neat little blooms shortly after receiving it.

Last, but definitely not least is Phalaenopsis Yaphon Lobspis. It is a primary hybrid, and takes after the tetraspis parent, having random red bars on the sepals and petals...It only opened one flower so far, but currently has about 5 more buds to open, which I am giddy with anticipation to see where or IF they will have any random red bars. It is a great little plant.

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