Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First post

I am honestly surprised at myself for taking the time to even start a blog. I usually don't have time to do anything for myself on a regular basis. I feel this may be good, to help me keep track of a few things that I am thinking of, etc.

I hope to post updates with my many orchids as they bloom, as well as different crafty things I may try throughout the year. I am currently trying to make as many things as possible homemade rather than buying ready-made from the store. So far I've had a lot of fun. Another thing I am hoping to learn this year is to crochet.

Today was complete and utter chaos. I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 guinea pigs, 2 sugar gliders, and 2 kids. I am ALWAYS cleaning my house. It is a neverending task. It doesn't help that I have mental issues with any speck of dirt that I may see on the floor. Today's cleaning included vacuuming the entire house as usual, cage cleaning, and the usual picking up of objects, and placing them where they belong. I am exhausted from all of that, let alone that I have also have a work-at-home job that I work every night. Dinner for tonight was pot pie. No, not the kind that looks like an actual pie...I hate calling it by the technical name of 'slippery pot pie' because that just sounds gross. I don't think I sat down at all today, until now. I will be working late tonight as usual. Same ritual starts again at 7am. Tomorrow is watering day for my 100+ orchids. Did I mention I am exhausted?

I will leave you with a beautiful bloom from my Epicattleya Tropical Jewel 'Hihimanu'

1 comment:

  1. You've come to the dark side....hahaha
    In all seriousness, I've found keeping a blog is like free therapy. It helps to clear your mind and get it out.
